Someone Took a Bite Out of a Package of Bacon at a Grocery Store?

Are you one of those people who snacks on stuff AS they’re shopping at a supermarket?  Are you crazy enough to eat packaged MEAT as you’re browsing the aisles?

Someone posted an image on social media that they took at an Aldi, and it looks like someone opened a package of bacon, took a bite out of the corner, and then left it like that.  Not just one slice, a whole stack.

Of course it’s possible that this is a stunt, or that there’s some other explanation for the mouth-sized hole.

It’s also unclear if and how the packaging was disturbed.  The person implies that they bought it without realizing the “bite” at first.  So if it was resealed, it might not have been a shopper, and someone else in the process was the culprit.

But some commenters think this was just a normal part of the manufacturing cutting process that just happens to look like a bite-mark.   Aldi hasn’t commented.


(New York Post)