Couples Are Revealing the Weirdest Wedding Gifts They Received

Some people think it’s too impersonal to click on a wedding registry, buy something, and then close your laptop.  But there’s a reason it’s done this way.  Because otherwise, people can be weird.  There’s a thread on social media where people are talking about the craziest wedding gifts they’ve received, and here are some of the best ones:

1.  A copy of “Windows 95”.  They married in 2010.

2.  A decorative wall fan made out of plastic forks, lace, and ribbons.  It wasn’t a joke . . . it was from an old lady at the groom’s hometown church.

3.  A two-foot-tall ceramic statue of a cobra with ruby eyes.

4.  A big box of soap.  Dove soap.

5.  A hot dog toaster.  The best part is, this couple got divorced, and then reconciled, and for the second wedding the same person got them, a hot dog toaster.  They did it on purpose, because they thought it’d be funny.

6.  A Salad Shooter, which is an electric slicer / shredder that looks kinda like a hair-dryer.  Even better, it was a re-gift, and had a note inside for the original recipient.

7.  Someone else got a Salad Shooter from a close friend, and they said they were bummed, because it was just a cheap plastic appliance.  Three years later, they finally opened it to try it out, and found that the box was stuffed with $500 in CASH.

8.  A gumball machine

9.  A red glass ashtray that looked like a vagina.

10.  A large dictionary.

11.  A half dozen engraved and embroidered gifts, with the groom’s name misspelled.  They had “Mark” with a K instead of “Marc.”

12.  A ceramic bust of the Virgin Mary that plugged in.  The ceramic lamp of Jesus’ mom included a blue robe covering her hair, and her hands in “prayer” formation with a rosary between them.  (Even if you think it’s beautiful, that’s the kind of thing a couple would need to pick out themselves.)

