Five Random Facts For Wednesday, May 10th

Here are some random facts for you . . .


1.  Paul Revere didn’t yell “The British are coming” . . . because the Americans at the time still considered themselves British.  He probably used the most common term for British soldiers, “regulars.”


2.  Tweety Bird was created three years before Sylvester.  Tweety debuted in 1942, and Sylvester debuted in 1945.


3.  Samuel L. Jackson only has one Oscar nomination in well over 100 films.  He was nominated for Best Supporting Actor for “Pulp Fiction” in 1994 . . . and he lost to Martin Landau for “Ed Wood”.


4.  There are only two words in the English language that end in “gry” . . . angry and hungry.


5.  It’s illegal to only own one guinea pig in Switzerland.  Guinea pigs get lonely if they’re alone, so the law requires you to own at least two.


(History Channel / Wikipedia / Wikipedia / Buzzfeed / MSN)